All Kinds Of Love Book Bar: February 6th

Following on from our first Wine and Crisp Book Bar, you’re invited to an all-kinds-of Love Book Bar on February 6th, 6 – 8pm.

We’ve five readers of love poetry, some insights into interesting Welsh love practices and love themed drinks and nibbles. Mark Lewis has curated the event, and promises us an evening of romantic and not so romantic love delights. You can book tickets for £5 here.

Here’s a taster of the event, with a sample of the new Poetry Pause podcast, which is recorded in Chapter One’s bookstore, here at the museum.

So You’d Like To Write A Book?

It’s Independent Bookshop Day on October 12th, and we’re celebrating all day at Chapter One.

In the morning, we’ve got our regular Paperback Breakfast, a popular event where paperbacks get exchanged and coffee and croissants enjoyed.

In the afternoon, we’ve got a gaggle of local authors with heaps of experience and over 20 titles published, to chat informally about story shaping, traditional v self publishing and – that bete noire of many writers – marketing.

You’re most welcome to come along with any sort of queries and interests. Our authors have written in many different forms, from technical publishing, to writing for radio and tv, to play writing, novels, poetry and short stories.

So whether you’re a complete newbie to writing or have an idea you’ve been incubating for decades, we should be able to help and inspire you.

Saturday, October 12th, Narberth Museum, 2 – 4pm.

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