Gertie Hooper vs The Committee




Animated short film screening with filmmakers Melissa Rees Herman & Gemma Green-Hope and Rural Historian Dr Donnah Lewis


Shepherd Gertie Hooper had a battle on her hands when some of the village men
decided that she should be evicted from the land her family had farmed for decades.
An animated documentary that takes place during World War II. In Welsh and English.
Written and Directed by Melissa Rees Herman. Animated by Gemma Green-Hope.

The coffee shop and bar will be open for refreshments.

Tickets cost £5 and are available at the link below or by calling the bookshop on 01834 860500. Or call in and see us!

For As Long As Forever Is

A Performance Piece on the life and works of Dylan Thomas
Friday 1 March 2024 at 7pm

Written by Mark Lewis, this acclaimed performance piece explores, through creative narration, poetry, letters, stories and archive material, the tumultuous life and long-lasting works of Dylan Thomas. This is a special reading for St David’s Day and has been recently updated to include new material. Readers include Andrew Davies (as narrator), Harry Gardiner, Jayne King, Sharon Thompson and Mark Lewis.

The coffee shop and bar will be open for refreshments. Tickets cost £5 and are available at the link below or by calling the bookshop on 01834 860500. Or call in and see us!

Singing Light: Sound-texturing in the Poetry of Dylan Thomas

A Talk by Peter Thabit Jones, Friday 9th February 2024 at 7pm

Dylan Thomas was an obsessive craftsman when it came to the writing of his poems. He would use many of the devices available to a poet, including some of those used by Welsh-language poets, to achieve ‘the colour of saying’, the musicality within a poem.

Peter Thabit Jones will consider some of the devices integrated into Thomas’s poetry and his use of the poetic form known as the villanelle.

Welsh poet and dramatist Peter Thabit Jones has authored sixteen books, including the Dylan Thomas Walking Tour of Greenwich Village, New York (co-authored with Aeronwy Thomas). He has participated in festivals and conferences in America and Europe and has been an annual writer-in-residence in Big Sur, California, since 2010. A recipient of many awards, including the Eric Gregory Award for Poetry (The Society of Authors, London) and the Homer: European Medal of Poetry and Art, two of his dramas for the stage have premiered in America and in Wales. His opera libretti for Luxembourg composer Albena Petrovic Vratchanska have premiered at the Philarmonie Luxembourg, the National Opera House Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, and Theatre National Du Luxembourg. World of Dreams, a new opera, premiered at the Sofia Opera and Ballet Theatre, Bulgaria, in June 2023.

The coffee shop and bar will be open for refreshments. Tickets cost £5 and are available at the link below or by calling the bookshop on 01834 860500. Or call in and see us!


The Origins and Legacy of Dylan Thomas’ Under Milk Wood

A Talk by Mark Lewis, Friday 26th January 2024 at 7pm

An exploration of the creation of Dylan Thomas’ famous play for voices, studying its influences, its many various forms and its long-lasting legacy.  Mark, a former museum curator and now working freelance in the heritage sector, has written extensively on Dylan Thomas.

The coffee shop and bar will be open for refreshments.

Tickets cost £5  and are available at the link below or by calling the bookshop on 01834 860500. Or call in and see us!


A Journey through Narberth in Postcards with Tess Clarke

On Thursday 18th May at 2.00pm, Tess Clarke will be taking us on a ‘Journey through Narberth’ in postcards. We will discover more about the history and buildings in the town through Tess’ personal collection, followed with tea and welshcakes in our coffee shop.

Author event: Pamela Petro – The Long Field

7.30pm Friday 17th March

American author Pamela Petro will be joining us to celebrate the paperback release of her critically acclaimed memoir The Long Field.

Entry is FREE.

Tickets can be reserved here

Coffee shop and bar will be open for refreshments.

The Long Field by Pamela Petro

The Long Field burrows deep into the Welsh countryside to tell how this small country became a big part of an American writer’s life. Petro twines her story around that of Wales by viewing both through the lens of hiraeth,  a quintessential Welsh word, that is famously hard to translate. It means far more than its English approximation of ‘homesickness’; it is something like a bone-deep longing for an irretrievable place, person, or time. An acute awareness of the presence of absence.

Through the pull and tangle of these stories we find both traditional and radical new ways of looking at hiraeth. The hiraeth of place and home, yes. But also queer hiraeth. And hiraeth triggered by technology, immigration, ecological crises, and our new divisive politics.On this journey the notion of hiraeth begins to morph, from a uniquely Welsh experience to one endemic to the human condition, from deep longing towards the sort of creative responses to loss which Petro sees as the genius of Welsh culture.

Pamela Petro is the author of three previous creative nonfiction books, including Travels in an Old Tongue: Touring the World Speaking Welsh. She is a Fellow at the University of Wales, Trinity St David, where she directs the Dylan Thomas Summer School in Creative Writing. Pamela is also a photographer and word-and-image artist. She teaches creative nonfiction and graphic novel to undergraduate and postgrad students in the U.S., and holds a BA from Brown University and an MA from the University of Wales.

Author event: Thorne Moore – Bethulia

7.30pm Friday 3rd March

Thorne Moore will be joining us to discuss her latest book, Bethulia, with Judith Barrow.

Entry is FREE.

Tickets can be reserved here

Coffee shop and bar will be open for refreshments.

Bethulia by Thorne Moore

Alison, Danny, Jude. Three girls bound closer than sisters. Nothing can divide them. Until Alison falls for Simon Delaney. Handsome, successful and ambitious, what woman wouldn’t want him? He’s surely her perfect husband. So why does she commit suicide? If it is suicide. The police say yes, except for the driven DC Rosanna Quillan. She says no, but she can only watch as Jude and Danny fight for the prize – the widower. How far would either of them go to have him?
Thorne Moore lives in a north Pembrokeshire farm cottage on the site of a medieval manor, with an excellent view of the stars, but she grew up in Luton and studied history at Aberystwyth. Nine years later, after a spell working in a library, she returned to Wales, to run a restaurant with her sister, and a craft business making miniature furniture.
She took a law degree and occasionally taught genealogy, but these days, she writes, as she had always intended, after retiring from 40 years of craft work.
Besides her psychological crime and historical mysteries, including ‘A Time for Silence’ (finalist for the People’s Book Prize and Bookseller Top Ten best seller), she also writes science fiction.

Amber, Apples and Asprella: A Lunchtime Lecture with Terry John

On Thursday March 16th at 12.00, Terry John will be continuing his series of Lunchtime Lectures with ‘Amber, Apples and Asprella’.

This talk explores how the Tudors kept themselves and their environment clean. Following this, soup will be served in our coffee shop.

£9.50 per person, to include lunch. Reserve below:

Wales PEN Cymru: An evening of inter-cultural entertainment / Noson o adloniant rhyngddiwylliannol

Welsh Writers Welcome the World, W4W and Wales PEN Cymru present an evening of intercultural entertainment poetry, music and monologue.
Thursday 23 March 2023, 7pm at:
Narberth Museum
The Bonded Stores, Church Street,
Narberth SA67 7BH
Ukrainian writer in refuge in Wales, acclaimed scriptwriter Larysa Martseva
supported by:
Taz Rahman, Angharad Jenkins and Emma Baines
This is an accessible international hybrid event, audience may join in person or online.
PEN international is the worldwide association of writers, founded in 1921 to promote friendship and intellectual co-operation among writers everywhere. Perhaps the most famous goal is to fight for freedom of expression and to act as a powerful voice on behalf of writers harassed, imprisoned and sometimes killed for their views.
The association has autonomous International PEN centres in 150 countries including Wales. We wish to celebrate the welcome writers of refuge have in Wales and the traditional, contemporary and diverse nature of the culture of Wales. Promotion of these values is the ambition of Wales PEN Cymru and this event seeks to recruit new individuals who share those ideals to membership of the organisation.
The entry fee to the event is pay-what-you- can- afford between £5 and £15
Whatever ticket price paid will be discounted off an annual membership
to Wales PEN Cymru.
For more details about the event email: [email protected]
You can buy tickets at this link
or pay on the door.
Croesawu’r Byd gydag Awduron o Gymru W4W &Wales PEN Cymru yn cyhoeddi noson o adloniant rhyngddiwylliannol cerddi , cerddoriaeth a monolog .
Dydd Iau Mawrth 23, 2023 7o’r gloch yr hwyr
Amgueddfa Arberth
The Bonded Stores,
Stryd yr Eglwys,
SA67 7BH
Gan gynnwys:
Awdur o Wcrain sydd mewn lloches yng Nghymru, Sgriptwraig nodedig Larysa Martseva
gyda: Taz Rahman, Angharad Jenkins ac Emma Baines
Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad hybrid, gall y gynulleidfa ymuno ar lein neu yn yr Amgueddfa.
Mae PEN rhyngwladol yn sefydliad bydeang o ysgrifenwyr, a sefydlwyd yn 1921, er mwyn hyrwyddo cyfeillgarwch a chydweithio deallusol ymysg ysgrifenwyr ymhob man. Hwyrach mai ei nod pennaf yw ymgyrchu dros ryddid mynegiant gan weithredu fel llais grymus ar ran ysgrifenwyr sy’n cael eu plagio, eu carcharu neu weithiau eu lladd am eu safbwyntiau.
Mae gan sefydliad Rhyngwladol PEN ganolfannau annibynnol mewn cant a hanner o wledydd gan gynnwys Cymru.
Dymunwn ddathlu a chroesawu awduron sydd wedi ceisio cael lloches yng Nghymru gan ddod i wybod am natur cyfoes ac amrywiol diwylliant Cymru. Mae hyrwyddo’r gwerthoedd hyn yn rhan o uhelgais Wales PEN Cymru a’r digwyddiad wedi ei drefnu er mwyn recriwtio unigolion sy’n rhannu yr un delfrydau â’r mudiad a dod yn aelodau o’r gymdeithas.
Mae’r ffi mynediad ar delerau talu- yr -hyn- a- allwch rhwng £5 a £15 . Pa docyn bynnag a gewch, bydd yn cael ei ystyried fel taliad llai ar gyfer aelodaeth blwyddyn i Wales PEN Cymru pe byddech yn dymuno hynny.
Am ragor o fanylion am y digwyddiad – ebost:[email protected]
Gallwch hefyd brynu tocyn gyda’r linc hwn
neu dalu wrth y drws.

Women’s History Walk with Women’s Archive of Wales

We will be hosting a Women’s History Guided Walk at 10.30am on Wednesday 8th March. This will be in collaboration with the Women’s Archive of Wales and marks International Women’s Day 2023.

The walk will begin at the museum, will take around an hour and the route is fully accessible.

£5 per person, booking below: