Poetry Writing Workshop with Christine Sanders

At 10.00 on Saturday 13th October, The #WOWW project continues with a Poetry Writing Workshop with Christine Sanders.

Poetry For All 

Open to anyone over the age of 16, this one-day poetry coursedoes exactly what it says on the tin – it’s for everyone, whether you are a published poet or just beginning to put pen to paper, this poetry day is for you!  This is a time where you can release your imagination and let your writing run free, all in a welcoming and informal atmosphere.

During this Poetry For All day, you will share the space with up to 16 other writers.  You will enjoy workshops, readings, writing exercises, as well as writing new material.

The stimulus of the day will be women from Narberth and surrounding areas who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  These are women who have a story to tell. They all lived remarkable lives, overcame obstacles and achieved the incredible, yet they have mostly been forgotten.  We will look at their history, their stories, and having stepped back into their world; bring their lives forward to the present day.

The poetry writing skill we will focus on will be creating musicality within a poem. By this I don’t mean a repetitive tum-tum-tum or excessive use of onomatopoeia, but writing so the chosen sound of the word feels and echoes the sentiment within a poem. For example, ‘rock’ (with its halting ‘k’) sounds different to ‘stone’ (with its softer ending of  ‘..ne’) .

The structure of the day will be to meet at 10.00 and engage in some fun and stimulating writing activities including looking at work by different poets.  There will be a short break during the morning for coffee.
After coffee, we will focus on our subject for today – Women of West Wales. We will break for lunch at around 1 p.m. (please bring your lunch).

After lunch, you may wish to visit a local building associated with your chosen ‘Woman of  West Wales’ or remain in the museum to write with the aim to write a poem or two.  Once back at the museum, you may edit your work, workshop your work in pairs, and finally, share your poem with the group if you wish to.  The emphasis is on fun – there is absolutely no judgement.

The course is facilitated by Christine Sanders who has returned to Narberth after gaining her M.A. from Manchester Writing School under the tutorage of Carol Ann Duffy.  Christine loves creating inspirational workshops as much as she loves writing.  Her M.A. encompassed ‘Enabling New Writers’ and has created and facilitated workshops including a 6 week course at Shibden Hall, Halifax, a one day courses at Narberth museum, as well as being booked to hold poetry courses in Pescara, Italy next year. She is founder and facilitator of Narberth Poetry Group.  Her work has been published in Ink Sweat and Tears, and Prole magazine.  She has an active YouTube channel where she can be seen performing some of her poems – Christine Sanders Poet.
You’ll be given a warm welcome, support and encouragement throughout the entire day.

Please note
Please bring writing equipment – note book, pencils, pens etc.
You may also bring your laptop / ipad etc with you (at your own risk).
Please bring your own lunch.

Booking is essential by calling 01834 860 500 or emailing emma@narberthmuseum.co.uk.

The day (10-4) Costs £15 / £12 concessions and is partly subsidised by the Heritage Lottery Fund, PLANED, Arwain Sir Benfro.
