On Wednesday 7th November 2018, we will be hosting a wellbeing day for women to bring together Welsh and Asian heritage via shared female experience and the common theme of tea.
‘Partaking of the Tea’ forms part of the #WOWW project; a 3-year celebration of Welsh women’s heritage funded by Arwain Sir Benfro 2020 and Heritage Lottery Fund. The day aims to dispel the notion of women as the ‘tea makers’ in history and to reach out across the world in the spirit of solidarity and wellbeing.
Summary of the Day:
Arrive and Gather: 09:15
Opening Circle Meditation: 09:30
ZenTea Ceremony: 10.15-12:15 / 12.30
Lunch: 12:15-13:15 (bring your own or local cafes)
Afternoon Sessions and Collaborative Art: 13:15-16:15
Closing Circle: 16:15-16:45
Opening Circle:
We will meet and introduce ourselves. Sonia Caller might ask each person the same one question to share with group and then be guided into an opening meditation through our Chakras and heart centre to meet your own healing guide on the journey you take through the day.
Zen Tea Ceremony with Chajin Claire Christie Duvenage:
‘Connect to the elements in nature through the magical gift of TEA and allow your senses to awaken, in the presence of deep connection to mother earth her spirit flows into our hearts as we sit in ceremony and honour all living beings’.
The ceremony will be held in meditative silence with rounds of enjoying, sitting and being with the tea, your thoughts and each other. It is not necessary to like tea to participate and it is also fine not to drink all the tea in the bowl if you wish; being present with the healing quality of the tea and ceremony is the most important intention.
Nonetheless, every tea has its own unique healing gift; some teas have been harvested by hand 20 years or more ago and in very special ways prepared and stored and have waited patiently for the moment you are present to experience their unique colour, taste, aroma and energy. This ceremony will hold the energy of deep peace to sit with whatever arises on this day.
Afternoon Sessions (in 20-minute rotations):
‘Tales in a Teacup’ with storyteller Sonia Caller:
‘I shall be offering bespoke one-to-one sessions for each participant to receive the gift of a story, poetry or perhaps a session with sound and movement tuning into the heart of whatever wishes to unfold for each person in our circle’.
Akashic Reading with Fusae Takahashi:
‘I will be offering a one-to-one taster session to all in the wellbeing circle during the day’.
Fusae holds space to intergrate energies of your being through the reading of your Akashic Record and thereby shining a light of understanding on the human journey you are walking at this time. All sessions held in privacy and confidentiality.
Suggestions/Examples of Questions for reflection you may wish to ask include:
How have my past lives influenced this one?
Sharing what you may wish to gain motivation for in your life at the present time and discover where blocks may be holding you back.
What direction to take to help heal physical or emotional health?
What direction should I take to develop further spiritually?
What would assist me nurturing a loving relationship (current/future ~ romantic/familial)
Why am I my own worst enemy?
Collaborative Mosaic with Emma Baines, Narberth Museum:
When not in a Story or Akashic Reading Session during the afternoon participants will gather together to create a small piece of artwork to remain at the museum. Inspired by our ansestors and the tradition of coming together over tea, we will use pieces of broken china to create a mosaic.
Please bring your own finds or collection of broken pottery or perhaps a teacup or small plate you would be happy to smash to use to create our wellbeing day collaborative artwork.
***Tickets are £15/£20. Spaces are very limited and so booking is essential on 01834 860 500 or [email protected]***
Chajin Claire Christie Duvenage: Claire has studied with Zen Tea Ceremony Masters overseas and has been offering Mindful Zen Tea Ceremonies in Pembrokeshire for the past few years.
‘Everyone who enters the traditional tea ceremony would bow their heads as they entered the dwelling showing humbleness on entering the space, generally where possible all joining the tea ceremony sit on the floor on cushions (chairs also available) this brings everyone into the same level of being whatever your culture, job, age etc – all present are equal.’
Sonia Hinda-Lea Caller : Sonia has shared stories and run workshops in many places including gathering spaces for reconciliation and peace with people of all ages. She founded Caravan of Storytellers to bring, storytellers, poets, musicians and artists together as the heart of community gatherings, she particularly loves to work in nature and the joy of honouring and creative play with the natural elements. Her intention, visioning and birthing of wellbeing days is to bring offerings of a variety of modalities and nurturing collaborations.
‘Words and Sounds hold great power they can be a balm and healer for our deepest wounds and carry great wisdom and bring courage in times of need. Folktales and Myths from many cultures hold keys and ancient truths that shine light bearing torches as we walk our mystical journey as humans being. Sometimes the stories that touch us most deeply and bring the greatest gifts are our own stories and poetry that are like seeds waiting deep in the earth to bloom and grow and be tasted upon the tip of ones tongue, nourishing body, soul spirit and heartcentre’.
Fusae Takahashi: Fusae is a certified Akashic practioner/energy reader and has worked as an aromatherapist and Reflexologist for the past 20 years. She works with clients worldwide to aid in their search for themselves.
‘Nature seeks to balance itself and through the Akashic Record we return to the basic human core need for equilibrium and guidance to a place of inner peace’.